
Welcome to your site! This is your homepage, which is what most visitors will see when they come to your site for the first time.

A homepage section

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Brian was diagnosed with autism in January 2015.

Laura is a suspected autistic, currently girding up her loins (so to speak) to pursue testing.

They were both raised in (more or less) Christian households, and chose to follow Christ while still children. Now in their early thirties, after multiple major medical diagnoses, a handful of cross country moves, nearly ten years of marriage, two years as waiting adoptive parents, and one and a half graduate degrees in Bible, they are ready to share their passion for God and neurodiversity.


A Place for Us

Imagine yourself walking into the library. You are looking for a specific book, just like you have done countless times before. And just like before, you walk up to the computers to search the card catalog. You type in the name of the book and hit enter, but there are no results. So, you check …

What is Autism?

Let’s start with what autism is not. Autism is not a disease. It is not something that you catch. It is not something that you can spread to another person. Most importantly, it is not something that needs to be fixed or treated. Basically, autism is just another way of thinking. Somehow, some way, the …